Name :
How did you find out about this position?
Address :
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Attach your resume :
Applying for: selectSalesFloral DesignerEvent Planner/ConsultantDeliveryModelAll of the Above Do you have transportation to work before the store opens and home after the store closes (10am-7pm)
When can you start? Can you type?
Can you work 10 am until 7pm Monday thru Saturday? yesNo
Can you navigate a Windows computer?
Education Level GEDHigh School DiplomaManager
High School Attended :
Vocational Institution:
Current Place of Employment :
Position Held :
Begin Work Date:
Reason for looking for another position :
Previous Employment-1:
Position Held:
Start Date:
End Date:
Reason for leaving:
Job Duties :
Previous Employment-2
Reason for leaving :
Previous Employment-3:
Position Held
Previous Employment-4
Please describe your hobbies.
Please describe your ideal job :
Skills: (Check all that apply.) Previous Sales Exp Event Planner/Consultant Ironing/Steaming Modeling Telemarketing Previous Managerial Exp Floral Design Delivery Telemarketing Keyboard/Typing Other :
Situation: A customer comes in. She needs a dress for a ball. Please list the questions you might ask her. Please describe in detail the way you think a sales presentation might go
Now what might be different if the ball is for this week-end?
Now how might this be different if the ball is for a month away and she is a size 30? Things to think about: Do we stock size 30's? Would she want/need a jacket? Could we order one? Is there time?
I agree to a credit and background check YesNo
I agree to follow all rules and policies of Formals etc. whether in writing or trained as part of daily activities.
I have never been convicted of a felony. YesNo
I have never been fired for being late. Must AnswerNo, never firedYes, fired for late
I agree that if hired, I will complete my Training Workbook within 30 days of my YesNo
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